#1 Dermatologist Recommended Sensitive Skin Care Brand

Partnering closely with dermatologists and healthcare professionals, we have carried out more than 550 clinical studies on over 32,000 patients to ensure the efficacy and safety of our products for sensitive skin. Years of experience in caring for skin has earned Cetaphil the trust of both dermatologists and patients.


Cetaphil was designed over 70 years ago for patients with sensitive skin, and to support dermatologists with products formulated to help them address patients' skin concerns. And the brand has been trusted by dermatologists and skin experts ever since. 

The first product developed, Cetaphil Cleansing Lotion, contained just eight ingredients and was fragrance free and soap free, the primary choice among physicians and pharmacists for patients with sensitive skin.


We’ve put this same level of care into our products every step of the way. To make sure you get the best care for your skin, we partner with science experts to understand sensitive skin and provide products specifically formulated for a range of sensitive skin concerns.

Through our clinical trials and by working closely with healthcare professionals, we develop skincare products that are both gentle and effective. In fact, Cetaphil products have been tested on more than 32,000 patients across more than 550 Galderma clinical studies.

Cetaphil is the #1 dermatologist recommended facial skincare brand in the US. Choose the skin expert’s choice for your sensitive skin.